Nobody Loves You But We Do!
For those of us addicted to the 90 Day and The Bachelor franchises, Nobody Loves You comes off as an original, relevant and truly charming evening at the theatre and should definitely be sought out at San Francisco’s American Conservatory Theater through March 30.
Writers Itamar Moses and Gaby Alter have put together a book and songs that we all really have been clamoring for: a musical that takes place, pays tribute and parodies TV dating shows.
We have mega fan Tanya (Ashley D. Kelley) who decides to break up with her boyfriend Jeff (A.J. Holmes) and go on the TV dating show. Circumstances somehow make Jeff the contestant and Tanya out of the picture.

But the delightful Kelley isn’t out of the show though as she is one of the actors who plays multiple characters and she transfers into tough Nina, the producer behind the reality dating show.
While few of us ever get a glimpse behind the scenes of a reality show, this seems spot-on, showing reality isn’t necessarily real, i.e. making characters repeat comments or re-entter a room to get a better shot for the camera.
The creative forces behind the show not only demonstrate their love for this type of show but are willing to poke fun at it, creating ludicrous situations for the contestants to go through on their road to love.
Every song is important to the plot and the audience, engaging the audience who bob their head and hum along. The small cast, some with multiple roles, is flawless.

Our lead character (Jenny – since Tanya is long gone), played by Kuhoo Verma, has a voice that will knock you into next week. Her overall appeal makes us root and feel joy every time she’s around.
While it’s hard to have to mention other standouts as they are all great, I can’t stop thinking about Molly Hager’s Megan’s hot tub scene or splits.
Let’s not forget Kelley’s Nina and Tanya characters. She is so different in each role that we forget it’s the some actress.
Then there’s Jason Veasey who plays the reality show host Byron. What a charmer! What a hoot! What a character! What a voice! It’s not surprise that this actor with the velvety voice and captivating presence is from Broadway.
Final kudo to lighting designer Russell H. Champa and scenic designer Jason Ardizzone-West who have created some wonderful lighting effects with minimal sets so that the stage still seems large and believable as a set for a TV show, a house and all of the other settings that are used briefly, but still comprehensive to make the scenes believable and real.Total fun and completely original – we are in need of such joy in these days and you get it in spades here.

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