Thursday, March 13, 2025
BearsGogo Bears

Gogo Bear Spotlight: Puddin

The Gogo Spotlight heads down south and lands in Atlanta on the sexy and vivacious Puddin! Get to know more about them below!

BWM: What is your stage name and what is your background?

Puddin: My name is Puddin, I grew up in Alabama and have spent most of my life in the south aside from 6 years living in Seattle. 

BWM: When did you start gogo dancing and why?

Puddin: My first time dancing was at the Seattle Eagle where I was a bartender, I started dancing because I wanted extra money and I’ve always been a bit of an exhibitionist, I love attention, so this filled several desires!

BWM: Which bear parties do you dance at? 

Puddin: I have danced at several bear parties including Furball, Megawoof, Chunk but most of my time working for bear parties has been with Bearracuda. I have danced for them for the past 10 years in several places all over the country and Canada. 

BWM: Do you have a gogo persona? If so what is it? Do you have a signature move or style?

Puddin: My persona is pretty much me but turned up, I turn off any feelings of being shy and try my best to move with confidence while encouraging the people attending to dance as well. I believe that my job as a dancer is to push the crowd to dance and have a good time, it’s not just to be admired. 

BWM: Can you tell us a memorable event from one of your gigs?

Puddin: The biggest tip I ever received was when I was dancing at Pony in Seattle, a young AFAB person came up to me and put a wad of cash in my tall socks, I said thank you of course but didn’t really look at how much it was. She told me to check it, when I looked they had put $350 in my sock. I still don’t know what the situation was, but I was in shock haha.

One of my favorite memories from dancing was when Christeene was working a Bearracuda with me and it was Matt’s birthday (the creator of Bearracuda). She had him sit in a chair on the stage and they started singing happy birthday to him then she had me crawl across the stage to him after she smeared Nutella in between my ass cheeks. Tiffany Pollard (New York) was also working that event and was disgusted and transfixed when she saw me. I wish I had a video of that haha.

 BWM: Do you identify with the bear community?

Puddin: I am definitely appreciated by the bear community and like parts of it but sadly it isn’t always inclusive. I typically enjoy attending events that have a wide variety of body types, races, genders and sexual orientations. 

BWM: What do you like most about nightlife and gogo dancing?

Puddin: I like how it gives people a break from stresses in their lives and can allow for cathartic moments as well as fostering community. 

BWM: Any upcoming gigs you want to plug or anything you want to mention that we haven’t covered?

Puddin: The next time I’m dancing is Nov 9 at the Heretic in Atlanta for Bearracuda, come out and bring some cash!

Be sure to follow Puddin on Instagram @puddin_pies

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