Tuesday, January 21, 2025
BearsGogo Bears

Gogo Bear Spotlight: Hok Devereaux

For this installment, our Gogo Bear Spotlight lands on the beefy and beautiful Hok out in Los Angeles. Hok is currently part of the Megawoof stable of gogo studs and with his looks, charm and sweet personality we see big things for him. Get to know him below.

BWM: What is your stage name? Please give us some background on yourself.

Hok: Growing up I used to love dancing shows. And one of my favorite dancer’s name was Hok. It was spelled the exact same way, and I just thought it was such a unique name that was memorable to me. Deveraux actually comes from back when I was a male drag performer. I talked to my beautiful drag mother Kourtney Devereaux and was given permission to use the name. That’s how I came to be known by my stage name Hok Devereaux.

BWM: When did you start gogo dancing and why? Which bear parties do you dance at?

Hok: When I first started gogo dancing it kind of just came out of nowhere. For some time I attended parties like Megawoof, Bearracuda, etc. One day I decided to message Megawoof and we eventually connected. So far Megawoof has been the only bear party group I’ve worked  and it has been such a surreal experience. I couldn’t be happier to be asked to return from time to time.

BWM: Do you have a gogo persona? If so what is it? Do you have a signature move or style?

Hok: I wouldn’t say I have a persona I just love to bring myself and create a welcoming environment which I think is super important. My style of GoGo is very fluid, a lot of levels, and interactions with the crowd is probably one of my favorite parts of my style.

BWM: Can you tell us a memorable event from one of your gigs? For example – Biggest tip? Funny or weird encounter with an admirer?

Hok: Honestly not many experiences have happened out of the box. I do remember the first time I started dancing I had a lot of people approach me and tell me how they really loved seeing me on their tik tok pages. I had people tell me how much I really helped them boost their confidence and become really comfortable with themselves. I even have had people message me and tell me how I helped them build the courage to start to GoGo themselves. The responses from everyone were always so positive and just made the job that much more rewarding, helping people.

BWM: Do you identify with the bear community? When/ how did you find it?

Hok: I do identify with the bear community. I started working in the bar industry when I was 20 years old. When I first started my favorite bartender Jason, who was a beautiful bear, introduced me to the community. From there it all grew onto me, and I just became more known to the bears and decided to make it my home. 

BWM: What do you like most about nightlife and gogo dancing?

Hok: The best part about the nightlife and gogo is just being able to meet so many new people. Of course there is the flattering which is nice, but being able to build connections with people is the most important thing. I wouldn’t be able to have these amazing experiences or even the opportunity to do this interview without the nightlife.

BWM: Any upcoming gigs you want to plug or anything you want to mention that we haven’t covered?

Hok: At the moment there is no upcoming gigs but you never know, I just wait for the call! Megawoof has been such a great platform and truly their events are so fun and I hope I get to inspire more people. If I had to leave people with anything it would be to try out things that may seem uncomfortable because you never know the results. Thank you to everyone for all the support on this journey and just stay humble and welcoming so everyone feels like they can be a part of our community.

BWM: Where can we find you on social media?

Hok: With the banning of Tik Tok, my main social, you can reach me on my Instagram, @the_new_hok, I always do my best to interact and show the love back or show my appreciation. Please don’t be shy. If the opportunity is available, I will happily say hello and I will make sure to link more socials when I develop them.

BWM Staff

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