Mad.Bear Valencia Returns This March
Mad.Bear Valencia will be held from March 7th through the 10th. Now in its third year, the party is fast becoming one of the most popular bear events, not only in Spain, but in all of Europe. The party continues to grow year over year as it attracts not only the jaw-droppingly beautiful Spanish men of the region but hot bears from all over the continent. WOOF!
A unique feature of Mad.Bear Valencia is that it is organized to coincide with the Valencia Fallas, the city’s big annual festival celebrating the arrival of Spring (which will be taking place from March 1st to 19th). So not only do you get hot furry bears, bar nights and sauna trips but you get an up-close look at Spanish culture.

One of the highlights of Fallas is the Mascletá which takes place every day at 2pm at the Plaza del Ayuntamiento. It is a pyrotechnic event using firecrackers. It is very noisy and rhythmic; the vibrations produced are designed to stimulate the body. As the noise and vibrations increase, the whole body shakes and produces strange and wonderful sensations! The daily event is a springboard for attendees to dive into social activities. Drinks are common and most people will go for meals after the fireworks display. I mean, doesn’t that sound like the funnest form of clothed foreplay you’ve ever heard of?! Sign us up!!!
While we wait for the festivities to kick off our good friends over at Mad.Bear Valencia shared their confirmed schedule of events with us below.

Schedule of Events
Thursday March 7th
19:00 – 21:00: Welcome to Mad.Bear Valencia!
Collect Mad.Bear Valencia Packs (BUBU Bar, C. Botanic 7).
21.00h to Closing: MAD.BEAR OPENING PARTY (BUBU Bar, C. Botanic, 7).
Friday March 8th
12:00: Sauna Olimpic (Open 24h) (C. Del Vivons, 15 A17).
Discount for Mad.Bear pass holders.
14:00: MASCLETÁ (Meeting Point TEATRO REALTO Plaza del Ayuntamiento, 17).
19:00 – 21:00: Collect Mad.Bear Valencia Packs (BUBU Bar, C. Botanic 7).
19:00 to Closing: BEAR POP (BUBU Bar, C. Botanic 7).
Saturday March 9th
12:00: Sauna Olimpic (Open 24h) (C. Del Vivons, 15 A17).
Discount for Mad.Bear pass holders
14:00: MASCLETÁ (Meeting Point TEATRO REALTO Plaza del Ayuntamiento, 17).
19:00 – 21:00: Collect Mad.Bear Valencia Packs (BUBU Bar, C. Botanic 7).
19:00 to Closing: BEAR SOUND (BUBU Bar, C. Botanic 7).
01:00h to 07.30: MAD.BEAR MAIN PARTY. (DESEO 54 Club. C. Pepito 15).
Sunday March 10th
12:00: Sauna Olimpic (Open 24h) (C. Del Vivons, 15 A17).Discount for Mad.Bear Accredited.
14:00: MASCLETÁ (Meeting Point TEATRO REALTO Plaza del Ayuntamiento, 17).
19:00 to Closing: MAD.BEAR CLOSING PARTY (BUBU Bar C. Botanic, 7).

For more information head on Mad.Bear Valencia over to