Monday, February 17, 2025

Meet Virginia Bear 2025, Jerome Tillery

Late last year we introduced you to the new Virginia Bear title family for 2025. We round out our introductions with Virginia Bear 2025, Jerome Tillery.

BWM: Can you tell us a bit about your background? Including name, where you are from and current city of residency?

Jerome Tillery (JT):
I’m 44 years old. Born in Hampton, raised in Newport News, currently living in Hampton. I’m a Certified Nurse’s Assistant (CNA). I’m also my mother’s caregiver. I graduated from Centera community College with an associate’s degree in occupational science in Massage Therapy. I’m also a photographer, working alongside my husband Jonathan Brown-Tillery. We’ve been married since April 20th, 2012. We’ve been together since 2003. We are also parents, given the honor and blessing to co-parent our son Elijah. He’s now 15 years old, healthy and happy and loves us unconditionally.

BWM: What drew you to the bear community?

I’ve been drawn to the bear community since a very very young age. I have always had an attraction to older, hairy, burly men. My first bear love was John Goodman. I was only 8. I’ve been chasing bears ever since.

BWM: Tell us about your local bear scene and some of your favorite places or organizations whose events you enjoy.

The local Bear scene in my area is very fun and accepting. In the year 2000 I was introduced to the infamous “Garage” it was tight and tiny but the energy was intense. Unfortunately, that bar has shut down. For me, I didn’t know where else to go to be around the bear scene until about 10 years ago. A bar called “MJ’s Tavern” in Norfolk became my new home. I didn’t just find “the bear scene” I found new relationships and family.

BWM: Tell us about your platform. Was there an issue you campaigned on or addressed during the competition?

JT: Let me be transparent. When I signed up to run, I wanted to be a positive representation on the bear community. For years I have been asked to run. I just wasn’t sure I had what it takes to hold the whole Virginia Bear community on my back. But I’ve been inspired by past winners before me. Tango Foxtrot, Marcuis “PAPA PANDA” Warren-Martin III, and Johnny Benjamin. So, when Howard posted the theme of the contest I was like “this is perfect for me”. But then I hit a roadblock…THE ELECTION! The depression was so strong I almost dropped out of the competition. But I was reminded by Fushia DeVille and Sunny Haynes that this is the time to use my voice even louder by staying in and never stop fighting. So… I’m here.

BWM: What makes you unique and why do you think you won the competition?

JT: “What makes me unique”?… I would say my Charisma, Nerve, & Talent.  LOL!

BWM: What are the responsibilities associated with your title? Where will you appear in the coming year?

I feel like my main responsibility is to be a good representative and set positive examples for the community that I hold dear to my heart. You can find me at NAB weekend 2025. I’m very excited to go. It’ll be my first time. You’ll also see me around my local community helping raise money for the LGBT Life Center and other organizations.

BWM: Tell us one thing you love about the bear community.

One thing I love about our bear community is inclusion. We have really opened our arms to those that identify as a bear. Whether you are straight or gay, man, woman, or trans. It’s beautiful to see. I want to see it continue to grow.

BWM: Anything else you’d like to mention?

I’m a part of a great Drag family. The House of DeVille. It’s amazing that my sister and House mother Fushia is your new Virginia Mama Bear!

BWM: Where can we find you? Websites? Social Media?

JT: Here’s where you can find me:


“X” & Instagram: @muziqlovechild



BWM Staff

Our Staff Writing Team works hard to bring you great content and share news & events from the bear community and beyond.

One thought on “Meet Virginia Bear 2025, Jerome Tillery

  • You’re absolutely amazing

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