Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Meet the first POC Virginia Bear Hunter titleholder, Bear Den

Back in November, The 2022 Virginia Bear Contest — in addition to dropping title honorifics — celebrated a few very important firsts: The first Black or POC Virginia Bear, the first Trans Virgina Cub, and the first POC Virginia Bear Hunter! As firm believers and supporters of inclusion and representation, we love to see it all!

We recently grabbed a chat with the first Person of Color to hold the Virginia Bear Hunter title, Dennis Greg — better known as Bear Den! The 2022 titleholder discusses how he found the Bear community and his plans for his title year!

Virginia Bear Hunter 2022

Kyle Jackson: Can you tell us a bit about your background?

Bear Den: I am a native Norfolk resident. I was raised with a stern sense of community and charity. My upbringing was strongly based on religion, education and compassion for others. 

After high school graduation, I enlisted in the U S Army and served during Desert Storm. I was stationed and travelled throughout the United States thanks to Uncle Sam. It gave me the opportunity to explore life’s experiences from different perspectives.

After 2 terms in the service I have tried to continue to be a beacon of positivity and change though charity. I’m an active member in several charitable / service organizations to include being the Lt. for the Northern Virginia Villains chapter of Bearded Villains. 

Virginia Bear Hunter 2022
KJ: How did you find the Bear community?

BD: Oddly enough I found my introduction to the Bear community in the most likely place… IN THE WOODS! (laughs) I am an avid camper and the founder of a Gay Camping Group. Several years ago I inadvertently reserved a camping weekend at the same time as a Bear Retreat. Having no previous experience in the Bear community, that hairy lil’ cub was quite popular and welcomed that weekend.

KJ: What was the best part about participating in the Virginia Bear contest? 

BD: To be honest, the overwhelming sense of acceptance. I came into the contest as an outsider. I am no longer the Club Bear I once was and therefore knew absolutely no one.  Howard (Bunger) and the rest of the crew made me feel so welcomed that I felt like I was a part of the community, or at least the club.

KJ: What are your goals for your title year?

BD: I primarily want to make sure that I positively represent the state of Virginia and the Bear community at large. I look forward to the events and fundraising that are planned for the future. 

KJ: How does it feel to be the first POC winner of the Virginia Bear Hunter title? 

BD: HUMBLING! I will be 50 — yes, 50 — years old this year, and it is hard to believe that in 2022, we still are able to use the phrase “The FIRST person of Color.” I am glad to be the FIRST and LAST person to claim that moniker. 

KJ: What are some important issues you think need to be addressed in the Bear Community?

BD: Body Positivity. “Love the skin you’re in, no matter how much or little of it there is. ” We come in all shapes, sizes and colors. I have actually been chastised about being too thin to be considered a Bear.

KJ: Can you talk a bit about the decision to no longer use gender-specific honorifics and what that means for the history of titleholder contests? 

BD: I totally welcome all forms of inclusion. The removal of Mr. or Mrs. shows growth and understanding.

Kyle Jackson

Kyle Jackson (He/Him) is Senior Staff Writer at Gray Jones Media, and additionally works as a writer, editor and theatre artist/actor. A native of New Orleans, Louisiana, he studied at Dillard University, received a BA in Theatre from Morgan State University, an MS in Arts Administration from Drexel University, and completed the British American Drama Academy’s Midsummer in Oxford Programme in 2017. Having lived in Baltimore, the Washington, DC area, Philadelphia and New York City, he now resides and works in London, United Kingdom.
