Instabear of the Week: John
Instagram: @jrmacstudios
InstaBear Location: Albany, New York
Pronouns: He/Him
Relationship status: Single
Favorite Drink: Grape Kool Aid – Don’t judge me….
What type of guy are you into? I like them big, beefy tatted and bearded.
Favorite Cities/Vacation Spots: Provincetown, Mass…. easily
Favorite Hobby or Pastime: Photography and remixing music
Idea of a good date? A nice quiet night at home… good food… little conversation… lots of smooches.
What do you look for in a guy? Smart. Funny. Confident. Charismatic. Cute, of course!
Anything Else You’d Like to Share with our Readers? It’s taken me almost 52 years to finally like who I am. I’ve always been the introverted extrovert. I’m good one on one, but horrible in a crowd. Funny that I am a performer, by trade. Now in my 50’s, I’ve found a new confidence. I want to share that with others and help raise their self confidence and awareness to the next level. It’s all about discovering, or rediscovering how wonderful and amazing we all are.
It’s time for us to truly LOVE ourselves and each other, to overcome what lies ahead. Thanks!!!

There are so many hot Bears to look at on Instagram! Because of this, Bear World Magazine has decided to highlight some of our favorite Bears every week.
We celebrate Bears of all races, ethnicities, sizes, types, ages, genders and abilities.
If YOU would like to be the next InstaBear of the Week, make sure to follow us on Instagram @bearworldmag, and fill out the APPLICATION FORM HERE.