Thursday, March 13, 2025
BearsGogo Bears

Gogo Bear Spotlight: Kami Papas

The gogo bear spotlight makes its way back to the City of Angels to land on Kami Papas, a relative newcomer to the gogo circuit. Get to know more about him below.

BWM: Please give us some background on yourself.

Kami: My full stage name is Kami Papas, but everyone just calls me Kami. It was supposed to sound like “call me papas” and my favorite drink at the bar is Kamikazes so it all fit perfectly.

BWM: When did you start gogo dancing and why? Which bear parties do you dance at?

Kami: I started dancing last year around late April or May, it was always a fantasy of mine and I’m glad I shot my shot with it. I dance primarily for Megawoof, however I also dance for Club Chub, Massivo Cabaret, and Jumbo’s Circus.

BWM: Do you have a gogo persona?

Kami: I don’t really have a gogo persona to be honest it’s always just been me, but everyone says I’m very bubbly and kind with that dash of sex and sultry I give when I dance. I do have a signature move though, when I get a good tip, I lay my chest on the stage and arch my back and twerk.

BWM: Can you tell us a memorable event from one of your gigs?

Kami: I have a lot of memorable moments, but nothing will top when I won the gogo beat competition for Megawoof which is what really kick started my dancing career. Going head-to-head with other hungry dancers and finishing the final duel with a split off the stage only to win right after was like an amazing fever dream for me.

BWM: Do you identify with the bear community? When/ how did you find it?

Kami: I don’t know if I particularly can say I really resonate with the bear community besides just being extremely attracted to big boys. I was just kinda labeled as a cub/bear and just kinda went with it. I found the scene when I turned 21 and started going out and partying with my newly found queer friends. Shoutout to my spiral squad.

BWM: What do you like most about nightlife and gogo dancing?

Kami: I love the fact I’m able to be in a safe space with all my friends and chosen family to throw ass and make some amazing memories.

BWM: Anything you want to mention that we haven’t covered?

Kami: Yes! I’d just like to say that I wouldn’t be where I am without my mentor and gogo mother El Valentino who has been teaching me the ins and outs of the dance and performance world. I’d like to also thank the owner of Megawoof, Leo Abbate, for allowing me to be a part of the Megawoof family and your platform.

Be sure to follow Kami Papas on Instagram and Twitter.

BWM Staff

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