Friday, March 21, 2025
Bear of The WeekBears

W | Bear of the Week: Jerome

W | Bear Profile: Jérôme🇫🇷

Home: Paris, France

About me: 

I am happily partnered to the most kind and beautiful man I know. I live in Paris and work in IT as app and website developer. I am a music addict, both listening and playing.

About W | Bear:

I love W | Bear, because it is the perfect mix of social media and eye candy. It is less aggressive and more straightforward than the rest of the apps on the market. I have met several people from around the world, and in these times it always good to have an easy way to maintain contact and socialize.

Bear of the Week is sponsored by W | Bear

You can find W | Bear on Google Play or the App Store

If YOU want to be featured here as a future W | Bear of the Week, send your W | Bear profile name and four good photos to

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