Tuesday, February 11, 2025
Bear of The WeekBears

W | Bear of the Week: Chris

W | Bear Profile: Chris

Home: Paris, France

About me: 

Hi guys! I’m Chris, and I’m 40 years old. Here in Paris, I have been involved in the Bear community for 3 years. I‘m the videographer for the “Bears of Paris”, a non-profit association that organizes Parisian Bear Pride, Bear parties, and supports various LGBTQ+ rights movements. I love meeting friends and going out for beers. 

About W | Bear:

The W | Bear app is cool because of the cute guys I find here, and of course because of the private pics of my friends that I check everyday. 😉

Bear of the Week is sponsored by W | Bear

You can find W | Bear on Google Play or the App Store

If YOU want to be featured here as a future W | Bear of the Week, send your W | Bear profile name and four good photos to victor@gnetlabs.com

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