Wednesday, January 22, 2025
Bear PartiesEventsNightlife

The HEFT Party is bringing that BIG BIG ENERGY!

The HEFT Party is back, and you can always count on them to bring that BIG BIG ENERGY!

The HEFT team has created an event that provides the space needed throughout New York City by creating space for the “thicc-thighed boys of color who like to back that ass up, throw it in a circle, and look back at it.” With a hot selection of Hip-Hop, R&B,Trap, House, Pop and 90s/early 2000s Dance music to shake their asses to, HEFT definitely makes room for the BIG BOYS!

The HEFT Party presents Vol. 4: BIG BIG ENERGY on Friday, May 6th at Parkside Lounge in NYC, with sounds by our resident DJ BEARGAZER along with DJ Tim Reyes playing your favorite twerk tunes! Also, make sure you bring that cash and make it rain for the sexy booty shaking HEFT Hunks, Jey Oso and Roberto.

“HEFT is a Hip-Hop dance party, first and foremost,” said co-creator Will McKinney. “So, we want our guests to experience freedom on the dance floor. They are going to get bass-thumping, ass-dropping, sweat-dripping ENERGY, while singing along to their favorite songs and dancing with their friends – old and new (winks). The people behind this party all love Hip-Hop, and just want to highlight its place within the big boy night-life culture.”

Well, HEFT is definitely solidifying itself in the NYC party scene as a place that brings the BIG BIG energy for the BIG BIG Boys of color, and we love to see it!

Advanced tickets are now on sale! Head to for tickets and more info. If you’re in NYC this is definitely an event you don’t want to miss.

For more information, visit The HEFT Party at and follow them on Instagram and Facebook.

BWM Staff

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