Saturday, January 18, 2025

The Bachelor Forum semi-finalist in Industry Excellence Awards

The Bachelor Forum has been named a semi-finalist in the Industry Excellence Awards, one of 30 individuals and/or establishments recognized by Bar & Restaurant Expo.

Established in 1973, The Bachelor Forum is among three semi-finalists in the LGBTQ Venue of the Year category. Downtown Olly’s in Indianapolis and Numbers Nightclub in Houston are the others. Located at 670 University Avenue, it stills stands as Rochester’s oldest LGBTQ bar.

The Industry Excellence Awards “recognize, celebrate and support the people who make the independent bar and restaurant industry great,” according to Bar & Restaurant. Previously known as the Nightclub & Bar Awards, the honors program was branded following a two-year hiatus due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

“It is an honor to be a semi-finalist to once again put Rochester on the map for a destination place for the LGBTQ community,” Peter Mohr, owner of The Bachelor Forum, said in a news release.

Mohr added that he is in the process of finalizing the purchase of Rochester’s second-oldest LGBTQ bar, The Avenue Pub at 520 Monroe Avenue.

Winners were announced on March 23 in Las Vegas.

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