Monday, March 31, 2025

NYC-based artist luke kurtis presents ‘seaside magic’, an online exhibition

seaside magic is a multimedia body of work by NYC-based artist luke kurtis that combines photography, video, poetry, drawing, music, and design.

Languishing from the pandemic, the artist took a personal retreat by the sea and resolved to spend his days away from computer screens and focus on slowing down, observing nature, making sketches, and creating a restorative and healing experience with his partner. The resulting body of work is a poetic document of those days.


A multi-channel installation, seaside magic combines video, music, and poetry to create an immersive and meditative experience. It is designed to be projected in a dark room, which is an acknowledgment of the isolation of the pandemic and also key to the artist’s intent that viewers should approach the work with a quiet and meditative mind.

(NOTE: For the best experience, view full screen with headphones in a darkened room or on a 5.1-capable home theater system.)


box of emanations is an artists’ object and portfolio made to accompany the installation. The box contains a set of 19 digital chromogenic prints of original photos, accompanied by seashells collected by the artist during the making of this body of work and a small double terminated quartz crystal.

Designs by luke kurtis

This collection of prints, tee shirts, and beachware was designed by luke kurtis as part of the seaside magic project. Available exclusively from or the Etsy shop.

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