Friday, January 17, 2025

Michigan passes law allowing those living with HIV to donate organs

Last week, the Michigan House of Representatives passed a law that would allow patients with HIV to donate organs to HIV-positive patients, according to Plus Magazine

“Allowing these transplants will also increase the total pool of available organs for all transplant recipients, regardless of their HIV status,” bill sponsor Rep. Felicia Brabec said to the the Associated Press. “That means that this legislation would be saving the lives of both HIV positive and HIV negative patients right here in Michigan.”

The law, which was passed without opposition, will now make its way to the state Senate for approval. The law will coincide with the federal Organ Policy Equity Act, also called the HOPE Act, which lifted the ban on transplanting the organs of those living with HIV. 

Michigan has already allowed organs of people living with HIV to be recovered and taken outside of the state. The new law will just extend to allow the organs to be recovered by those who need them in state as well, according to WLNS.

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