
Meet TK, World Bear 2024

Last time we checked in with TK (or Lord Thunderknight) he had just won the title of Mr. Mayhem Leather Bear 2023. Over the last year TK has traveled all over the country attending countless leather and bear events, fundraising for charity and being a mentor to folks in both communities.

After competing in IML earlier this year, TK went on to compete for the title of World Bear 2024 and won. We round out our introduction to the World Bear title family with a re-introduction to this hardworking and dedicated titleholder.

BWM: You’ve been making waves as the reigning Mayhem Leather Bear 2023. Where has that title lead you and what have been some highlights of the past year?

TK: The mayhem title has helped me both inside and outside my kink life. I feel more confident in my own abilities. A year ago, I was working at a job that didn’t value me as a person, but since I’ve earned that title, I’ve found a profession that I love, and I feel much happier.  

I’m humbled in helping several kink events throughout my title year. From hosting/aiding fundraiser events, serving as a tally master/judge for contests, and supporting other titleholders from across the nation, I felt I’ve expanded my social circle in a big way.  

Top tier moments during my year are crashing leather cocktails at MAL, helping my local LGBTQ+ social club by playing dungeons and dragons for a fundraiser event, and competing for International Mr. Leather (IML).

BWM: What made you go out for World Bear 2024? 

TK: As a leather bear, I’m an intersection point between the two communities of leather and bear. After competing for International Mr. Leather, I felt a surge of confidence. To me, it’s important to show representation on the highest stage in the bear community. There’s someone in my life who is experiencing what I went through, and I want to continue being the lighthouse to not just them, but for the rest of the world.

BWM: How did the competitions differ from each other?

TK: Between BBM, IML, and World Bear, I felt the biggest difference between the three was the stage.  When I competed for BBM, I felt both excited and scared. Going on that stage, it was small, but the audience was huge! I had to muster all the confidence to speak in front that many people. It worked out well in the end. When I competed for IML and World Bear, the stage was bigger. I felt a bit more comfortable, but still I had to muster all the confidence I had to be myself, fighting my insecurities.

The other main differences were the categories for each of the contests; BBM had the famous hot jock scene, immediately followed up by jumping into the pool, while World Bear had a fantasy segment. Both were fun to participate in. I think I’m tapped out for competing contests for the time being.

BWM: How will the title of World Bear 2024 expand your platform and reach?

TK: “When you are ready, be a lighthouse, because you never know who is trying to swim to shore”.  That was my message when I was a mayhem titleholder.  I’ve ventured around the country, providing my services. As a result, I’ve felt that I’ve gained recognition in several communities. As an international titleholder, my reach will go beyond the states. As I’m planning for 2025, my goal is to attend more events outside my country and continue my foot-solider duties.

BWM: What are your goals as World Bear 2024?

TK: To take over the world! (JK). Honestly, I want to adventure around the world and help however way I can.  In the states, my primary goal is to host fundraisers in different regions of the USA. My first fundraiser under my new title will be held in Baltimore, MD in October (be sure to follow my socials for more details).

Outside the states, I have trips planned for Canada, UK and Europe in 2025. I would like to volunteer at events abroad to be more educated about what goes on across the pond.

BWM: How can the bear and leather communities level up based on what you’ve seen as a titleholder over the past year?

TK: Being an advocate for mental health. I feel there is a need to increase the accessibility of mental health services. In my last BWM interview, I mentioned that both leather and bears communities have an issue with self-image. There are generalization statements like “In order to be a bear, you must have a big belly” and/or “In order to be a leather person, you must own high cow material”.  

I don’t believe in those statements. I believe as a titleholder, we encourage/maintain safe spaces. I believe that having more mental health services at leather and bear events would help in the long run.

 BWM: Anything else you’d like to mention?

TK: Shoutout to my leather family and my boyfriend for the constant support. I wouldn’t be here without them (especially my boyfriend who owns my calendar). I’ve recognized that I’ve grown in the last year. I’ve learned so much about myself in a year, and I’m eager to see what another year will have for me. Be sure to follow my socials to see my Worldly MAYHEM Adventurers. 

Be sure to follow the adventures of TK, World Bear 2024 on Instagram, Twitter (X) and Facebook.

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