Thursday, February 13, 2025

Meet Luna Bones, Ms. World Bear 2024

We continue to get acquainted with World Bear Weekend’s dynamic title family for 2024. Allow us to introduce you to Luna Bones, Ms. World Bear 2024!

BWM: Can you tell us a bit about your background?

Luna Bones (LB): Hi! My name is Luna Bones, your Ms. World Bear 2024! I am a queer solo poly, relationship anarchist who floats somewhere on the Ace spectrum, but I typically just call myself a feral enigma. I currently live in Alexandria, KY- but I spend a lot of my time in Cincinnati, OH. I am the founder of The Haus of Heathens- a group of diverse queers looking to give back to their local communities, I proudly held the titles of Ms. Cincinnati Leather 2021 (First of Her Name) and Cincinnati Handler 2023 (First of Their Name), and my whole heart belongs to my 8-year-old, who I lovingly call Spawn.

BWM: What drew you to the bear community?

LB: Adam Routt asked me to judge North American Bear (NAB) in February of 2022 (my first invitation to Judge after winning Cincinnati Leather in December of 2021) and I was PUMPED to experience a community that I (at the time) didn’t know much about. That weekend was AMAZING, and I learned so much about the Bear community/culture and I was pleasantly surprised to find out that many people I loved/admired were a part of this community already. There was this moment for me though, after the winners were announced and everyone was celebrating- that I was just kind of standing there, taking it all in ya know? That was when I kind of just knew that this is where I belonged and where I wanted to be.

BWM: How has your experience been as a woman in the bear community? Do you go to many bear events? Do you identify as a mama bear?

LB: My experience as a woman in the Bear community is usually one of two things- either I can go to an event and feel welcomed OR I can’t even buy a ticket because I have a vagina and/or my gender identity isn’t masculine. It is EXHAUSTING to be a woman in this world and current political climate (VOTE!)- let alone within a subculture of the queer community where we SHOULD be lifting each other up and creating space for all of us to exist. However, the Bear events/communities that have welcomed me with open arms and even celebrated me? Those have truly been some of the best times of my life and because of those events, I have found my chosen family.

When I judged NAB 2022, I was automatically assigned a title of ‘Mama Bear’ based on three things: I am a cis gendered woman who presents mostly femme, I have a biological child, and I was a judge at a Bear event. At that point in my mental health journey, I wanted to be accepted so badly that I didn’t care if who I was didn’t match the role I was given, as long as someone thought enough of me to give me one. I started going to therapy that summer and really put in the work to discover who Luna really was, not who everyone wanted her to be; and I quickly found that a Mama Bear I am not. I am going to be really honest, and I have said this before: I love my son with every fiber of my being and he is my everything… but I didn’t want children and I haaaaaaaate being a parent- so when people take a look at me and make assumptions of how I personally identify- it drives me CRAZY. If you aren’t sure, ASK! I would rather have a discussion about my queer identity than be forced to defend why I am not a Mama Bear. I also owe a HUGE thank you to Ms. World Bear 2022-2023 and my sash parent, Daddie Danger, for living her life authentically and giving me the courage to do the same.

That’s a really long way of saying: No, I identify as a Femme Bear, thank you for asking!

BWM: How was your experience competing? What was the process like?

LB: I will admit that I was anxious about selling raffle tickets after hearing whispers that cis women don’t typically have as much luck doing this as their cis male counterparts, but I didn’t find any validity to these whispers because I sold the second most raffle tickets, only a few dollars short of selling the most. After no one competed for the title of Ms. World Bear last year, I was truly hoping that this year I would have fellow Ms contestants to bond with; Unfortunately, I was the only person this year who competed for the title. I think when you are the solo contestant it dampens certain aspects of the experience, but competing at World Bear Weekend was such a great experience for me because it allowed me the opportunity to introduce myself in a way I never felt able to before- authentically

The process is a loooooot, especially if you are an over-thinker like me who began planning my contestant package at the end of 2023. Asking small businesses/events/anyone to donate things for a raffle basket, deciding on a platform, choreographing a fantasy scene, writing a speech, and my LEAST favorite part- planning the outfits; and that’s just some of the bigger things you need to do. Once I got to the hotel on Thursday, my chosen family stepped in to be my emotional support/timekeepers/helpers and then you are go go go until you are standing on stage, waiting to hear the results on Saturday night.

BWM: Tell us about your platform. What was the issue you campaigned on or addressed during the competition?

LB: My overall platform is one near and dear to my heart- Creating space for everyone/Authentic You is the BEST You! To be honest, this was the same platform I had when I was Ms. Cincinnati Leather 2021 and Cincinnati Handler 2023 because it is that important to me and unfortunately, there is still a LOT of work to be done.

During the competition, I addressed a couple of things that are all part of my platform (in some way):

– Certain Bear Events trying to dictate who is ‘Bear Enough for The Bear Club’ directly contradicts the whole reason this community even began in the mid to late 1980’s AND the first ever published article defining what a Bear in the LGBTQ+ community uses they/them pronouns for every animal description. For the love of everything, LEARN OUR HISTORY.

– Why are we allowing things we have no control over, or do not want to change about ourselves, to be the reason we are further divided? Why can’t we unite on the fact that we are all random handfuls of stardust doing our best to not only survive, but thrive?

– Not all Femme Bears are Mama Bears

BWM: What are the responsibilities associated with your title?

LB: There are two main parts to this (in my opinion): One is representing World Bear Weekend to the best of my ability and encouraging others to compete at the end of my title family’s reign. The second one is to raise funds for the charity I picked as my designated charity.

With the current political climate and this being an election year for Americans, the 2024 title family is also reminding everyone how important it is that they vote in November (GO VOTE! Our lives truly depend on it)

BWM: What are your goals for your title year? Where will you be appearing?

LB: I have a few goals for my title year:

– Challenging ‘Old Guard’ ways of thinking and/or ways of treating people

– Showing up to events and creating space for others to be their authentic selves

– Working with Reya Sunshine and The Titans of The Midwest to bring more Education to our communities

– Reminding everyone that Consent is NOT sexy, it is MANDATORY

– Raising funds for World Bear Weekend and my designated charity, which–BREAKING NEWS, you heard it here first: I have chosen Haunters Against Hate! (

My upcoming travel schedule:

10/12: Cincinnati Leather’s MonsterFuck*r Ball (Cincinnati, OH)

10/18-10/20: OhioSMART (Cleveland, OH) with World Pet 2023, haifisch!

10/26: Witches Market (Hamilton, OH)

11/15-11/17: Virginia Bear Contest with 2024 Title Family

02/20-02/23: North American Bear Weekend (Lexington, KY)
03/14-03/16: Leather Leadership Conference (Los Angeles, CA)
03/20-03/23: SPLF (Dallas, TX)
06/12-06/15: Twisted Twist (Southeast Ohio)

If anyone out there wants this dumpster fire of a Bear to come to your event (I love to emcee and teach!) please feel free to reach out to me.

BWM: What are some important issues you feel that need to be addressed in the bear community?

LB: (If you haven’t noticed by now, I love a good list)

1. Consent, consent, CONSENT

2. The avoidance of intersectionality

3. Ignorance of our history

4. Gatekeeping of events

BWM: Where can we find you on social media?

LB: FetLife: MoonFemur and Facebook: Luna Bones

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