James Vincent Candles. Rebel? Outlaw? or Both?
James Vincent and Jeremy Meek run Rebels and Outlaws, which is first and foremost an agency dedicated to representing its roster of beauty experts as well as photographers and videographers, with integrity and vision.

James & Jeremy are doing something different with their agency and as their website says:
“Rebels and Outlaws is taking over. With ties to the communities we are connected to and a commitment to integrity in all we do Rebels and Outlaws artists commit time to working, volunteering and voicing our support for issues that are important to us. Rebels and Outlaws is a revolution.”
“Rebels and Outlaws aspires to innovate and inspire artists to realize makeup is more than just an application of product but a connection to individuals and communities and important times.”

They also produce a range of in house products too, including rooms sprays and beautiful hand poured candles, which give…
“An opportunity for creatives, caregivers and cool kids to set up a sacred space and makeup station to conjure up art and service your client with good energy and great product. Designed by makeup artist and rebel, James Vincent, and activist and outlaw, Jeremy Meek, Rebels and Outlaws Sacred Ceremony is developed to allow artist and mystics to tap into the universe and find their muse while creating an unforgettable experience.”
Check out a few of our favorite candles here: