Wednesday, January 15, 2025
BearsGogo Bears

Gogo Bear Spotlight: SpartanBeard

Get to know SpartanBeard, a relative newcomer to the gogo circuit and bear scene who has learned to embrace his daddiness in recent years while simultaneously expanding his sexual horizons.

Photo by Trevor Ott

BWM: Please give us some background on yourself.  

SpartanBeard: I’m a 50+ year old that has come into and accepted his Daddy phase in life. Married for 21 years to my beautiful wife that is supportive of my journey.

BWM: When did you start gogo dancing and why? Which bear parties do you dance at?

SpartanBeard: I started in 2023 at Prime for Folsom. In the future- next is Odyssey for San Fran Pride.  I’d like to add-on other events in Dallas and in California, like Tuff and IBC.

BWM: Do you have a gogo persona? If so what is it? Do you have a signature move or style?

SpartanBeard: My GoGo persona is around my online persona of SpartanBeard. He’s a dominant Daddy to other Daddies. While I’ve yet to determine a signature move, I’m a work in progress. I enjoy making eye contact and connecting with my audience.

BWM: Can you tell us a memorable event from one of your gigs?

SpartanBeard: Admiration from an out-of-towner at an event led to a quick jaunt internationally for a visit – Just for a couple of days, in and out. My fans are the best.

BWM: Do you identify with the bear community? When/ how did you find it?

SpartanBeard: I’m drawn to the bear community for its masculine camaraderie and bold personality types.  Never judge a book by its intimidating cover, I have yet to run into a bear at an event that wasn’t a sweetheart of a guy. My first encounter with the Bear community was TBRU in 2021.  I had a great time and met lots of people that I’ve grown close to over the years.  I have had many ask me what my type is specifically is, so I’ll put it this way…if you have a CPAP machine on your nightstand, you’re up my alley!

BWM: What do you like most about nightlife and gogo dancing?

SpartanBeard: Being able to explore a side of myself that I’ve kept hidden for many years. Meeting others has been the greatest experience, and the support structure is unmatched.

BWM: Any upcoming gigs you want to plug or anything you want to mention that we haven’t covered? SpartanBeard: Come see me at Meat Rack in LA mid-April and later in June at Odyssey for San Fran Pride.

Follow SpartanBeard on Instagram and TikTok.

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