Thursday, February 13, 2025
BearsGogo Bears

Gogo Bear Spotlight: Dre

For our next gogo bear spotlight, we present Dre from Los Angeles. Dre is a United States Marine Corps veteran and a player for the Rebellion Rugby Club in LA. He has danced for Bear Milk NYC, Club Chub, Fat Slut and Bearracuda. Get to know him below.

BWM: When did you start gogo dancing? Why?

Dre: I started back in 2018. My friend took me to my first gay bar, and I saw the dancers and I expressed how it looked fun to my friend. He then leaves me by myself for a few minutes and comes back to tell me that I have an audition that upcoming Saturday. The rest is history. 

BWM: What is your dancing style? Do you have a signature move?

Dre: My dancing style is just freestyling depending on the beat or the music being played. I do have a thigh shake move that I do that grabs people’s attention. 

BWM: Do you have a gogo persona? If so what is it?  

Dre: Honestly, I don’t and I sometimes think I should have a niche or signature look. Maybe I might finalize it this year, just you wait!

BWM: Can you tell us a memorable event from one of your gigs? 

Dre: It was a last-minute dance moment at my first IBC. I dance at their pool party on Saturday. A few people recorded me, then later on next week a friend of mine let me know that the video went viral. 

BWM: Do you identify with the bear community? When/ how did you find it? 

Dre: I do, more so as a cub, and I found about it when I went to my first Bearracuda. 

BWM: What is your favorite part about being a gogo?

Dre: Being around fun people enjoying the energy of the club or bar. 

BWM: Any upcoming gigs you want to plug or anything you want to mention that we haven’t covered?

Dre: I will be dancing for Bearracuda ATL February 17 and IBC Palm Springs February 22-25.

Be sure to follow Dre on Instagram.

BWM Staff

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