Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Gay & HIV-Positive Politician Corey Johnson Considering Run for NYC Mayor

NYC Council Speaker Corey Johnson recently launched a campaign to back his potential run for Mayor replacing the incumbent Bill de Blasio, who is set to leave office in 2021. 

Johnson launched his Corey 2021 campaign and tweeted yesterday (January 28) “It’s a big decision, but I am thinking about a potential people-powered Mayoral run.”

Johnson vowed to take no money from “real estate developers, lobbyists or corporate PACs,” and to ensure the campaign was funded by the grassroots, he set a limit on the maximum individual contribution to his campaign at $250.

His announcement has spurred a rush of support with Johnson later tweeting “My team just told me we’re averaging about one contribution per minute this morning since I announced I’m considering a Mayoral run.”


Corey Johnson was elected Speaker of New York City Council in January 2018, becoming the first openly gay person to assume the role. 

If he was to win the election, he would be the first openly gay and openly HIV-positive Mayor in New York State.

But Johnson is already no stranger to making history. When originally elected, he became the only openly HIV-positive politician in the State and he even made headlines as a teenager when he came out while captain of his high school football team, leading to a feature in the New York Times and various TV appearances. 

For more information or to support Corey’s campaign visit and follow him on Facebook.


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