Thursday, February 6, 2025

Bear World Playlist Featured Artist: The Cocks

With lyrics like “Jerry Cantrell is hung like a horse” and song titles including “Hateload” and “I Love Dick,” it’s no wonder LA hard rockers The Cocks are grabbing the attention of the local gay and Sunset Strip scenes alike. Fresh off their show at the famed Whiskey a Go Go, they return to their leather roots at Eagle LA on June 18th to kick off the bar’s summer music series for a Father’s-Day-with-the-daddies show with Homer Marrs.

Recently we chatted with Cocks frontman Zsa about their songs on the Bear World Playlist, plans for the year, and how to say “slut” in Polish.

Songs on Playlist: “Cheeseburgers & Dick,” “It’s Better Being Gay”

Current City: Los Angeles l Hometown: Los Angeles

Zsa of The Cocks (Photo Credit: Somric Castro @somricthephotographer)

Bear World Magazine: What can you tell us about the songs, “Cheesebugers & Dick” and “It’s Better Being Gay”?

Zsa of The Cocks: Well, you picked the two songs that I would call the “gateway drugs” to The Cocks, and both sum up our overall approach — keep it catchy, anthemic and under two minutes! We think “It’s Better Being Gay” should be the Gay National Anthem, if only for the line “Your clothes are better / You remember birthdays / You know the wine to drink with fish.” “Cheeseburgers & Dick” is a no-brainer — what else does any respectable gay man want after last call at the bar? It was an instant sing-a-long hit at shows, which just proves that writing about what you know and love will always yield gold. 

BWM: Is it fair to say your sound is inspired by late ’70s/early ’80s punk and hard rock? Who would you cite as your primary influences?

Z: That and everything else in the kitchen sink! Everyone in the band has eclectic taste, everything from The Ramones, Johnny Thunders and Van Halen to Ween, AC/DC, Gary Glitter, Judas Priest and Zappa. It’s a big gay musical stew, we just let the best ideas rise to the top and run with them. But the Prime Directive never changes — keep it simple, dicky-sucky and “Don’t bore us, get to the chorus!”

BWM: Can you talk about the genesis of the band? What sparked the idea that led to The Cocks’ creation?

Z: Like all cool bands, The Cocks are part alchemy and part accident of history. Bunny (Knutson, guitar) and I began the band as a lark, just writing songs — we figured when we had enough tunes together, we’d get a band together, play a few shows, you know. But the magic was there from the first rehearsal and the first show — we all realized pretty quickly that this was the best band any of us had ever been in.

BWM: How has reception been in the traditional, non-queer rock community?

Z: That’s been the coolest part! Our audience is truly crossover — straight rock fans, the punk/drag kids and especially the leather community have embraced us and have a great time — together — at the shows. It’s stick-to-your ribs rock’n’roll that amps up the fun factor, something I think we’ve all been missing in music for a while now. And let’s face it, it’s pretty rad to look out there and see 50 straight guys singing along on the chorus of “I Love Dick” with as much enthusiasm as the queer kids. In the end, gay and straight doesn’t really signify at a Cocks show. It’s a celebration and everyone is invited. Just be sure to take your PrEP.

BWM: Have you had any memorable fan interactions or responses to your shows and music?

Z: I never kiss and tell. [See note above about the PrEP]

BWM: Where would you say the band is now compared to where you would like it to be?

Z: As you can imagine, The Cocks want to be as huge as possible, always growing upward with great force and staying power. Now about those streaming royalties…

BWM: What’s on the docket for The Cocks for 2023? Any touring or recording plans?

Z: You know it! We’ve started recording our new album and will have two new singles and videos — “Sex in Prison” and “Sugar on the Rim” — out this summer and fall. We’re also looking to get a once-monthly residency going in Hollywood this fall, something where our friends and fans will always know where to rock out with US out!

BWM: Is there anything else you’d like to us to know about you?

Z: “Zsa” means slut in Polish.

The Cocks are: Zsa (Vocals), Bunny Knutson (Guitar), Tchad Drats (Guitar), Jason Halogen (Bass) and Mike McCormick (Drums)

Follow The Cocks on all socials @thecocksband. Their debut album, Loads of Fun, is available on Spotify, Apple Music, and wherever you stream music.

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