
Bear and Fetish groups in China are coming out!

The Bears and fetish lovers in China have released guidance to let their peers know that they want to connect to a wider audience! 

The Guidance is co-produced by GAY FETISH PRO, a full code gay fetish information platform and UBEAR, a platform serving Bear groups in mainland China. The objective of the guidance is not only to promote the Bear and Fetish communities of China to peers around the world, but also to act as a way to target more audiences in Chinese. 

The guidance reads: “It has been a blank area before the Guidance nationally and world-wide. The social media promoters, clubs, bars, brands, merchants and other graphic information included in the first edition authorized us to release this information about them. Readers can take this opportunity to understand the overall related style of the Fetish and Bear communities in the Chinese mainland. And the participating merchants in the first edition will gradually play a pioneer role in the development of domestic industry.”

In the past, it has been a struggle for many visitors and others who have wanted to connect to people in the fetish communities in China — they have had to seek information in a very fragmented and careful way. Because of this, many were not able to get information about the Fetish and Bear communities out smoothly. It has also been a difficult process for the editors to prepare and write this guidance in the past four years — Until today! 

The first edition is finally ready for the public to share, reproduce and distribute freely! However, the creators of the guidance are aware that there are still quite a few businesses that are not included in this edition for many reasons. 

Unfortunately, even with all of the information produced in the guidance, the community for Fetish lovers remains fairly small and hidden. Frankly speaking, there’s no public social venue for full-code Fetish or Fetish-friendly activities out there. 

In addition, many Fetish and Bear groups in China haven’t synced with other groups in western countries nor held a basic understanding of the related industry outside of the Chinese mainland. This is where the guidance comes in — to assist with sharing information, ideas and resources with those outside of China who may want to connect! 


GAY FETISH PRO is one of the founders and compilers of the Guidance, completely run by Chinese bears and full code fetish gay volunteers. In the early years GAY FETISH PRO was formerly an online social group and promoted offline events via internet since 2003, focused on socializing potlucks and meeting parties. Since 2015 GAY FETISH PRO WeChat public account started operating — providing full code fetish gay information for all the fetish lovers and newcomers, strengthening the exchanges and mutual learning between Chinese mainland and other countries, promoting and injecting positive energy into bears and fetish lovers’ perception. 

UBEAR (Up, Belief, Endure, Able, Rainbow)

UBEAR, the co-writer of the Guidance, is also based on the Chinese WeChat official account. As a positive energy promotion service platform for the Bear group and its followers among the LGBT subjects in China, and focuses on helping the transmission of healthy lifestyle for chubby and strong men. UBEAR promotes a world of diversity, inclusion, unity and love — they believe everyone should be encouraged to be who they really are. UBEAR was originally a social APP for the LGBT bear community, serving the social needs of gay people. Aside from the app, it also owns ten self-media platforms. 

To download the guidance as a PDF, please go here.

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