Wednesday, February 5, 2025
ArtDBW ArticlesEntertainment

A Post It Pastime – lockdown doodles by Justin T Russo

Justin T Russo, who we first saw on Logo’s Fire Island and is recently working on a new LGBTQ travel show slated to be on Here TV later this year, finds himself sheltering in place in New York City and has decided to doodle!

Justin is an accomplished artist and has taken to creating a series of images on Post It Notes as he is stuck in his home office. Some are humorous while others are honorific.

We got the chance to chat to him to find out more about his “Post It Series” and showcase them here for you.

Richard Jones: So good to chat with you during this crazy time – where are you at the moment?

Jutin Russo: I am in my apartment in Astoria. It’s kind of silly, but my family has been here since the 1890s and survived much. I spoke to my grandfather who at 93 has seen the Depression, WWII, 1980s big hair to list a few. New York runs in my blood and I feel I can’t abandon my city and I have to fight for it. The resilience is strong.

RJ: Who are you with, If anyone?

JR: Luckily I am with my live-in boyfriend who keeps me grounded and on my toes.

Pierce & Justin.
RJ: What are you both discovering about yourselves?

JR: We like wearing wigs and dancing.

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RJ: You are working on a new travel TV show at the moment?

JR: I am currently in production of hosting an LGBTQ-themed travel show called Check Your Luggage. We travel to different global destinations that have had an impact on the queer community. We discuss their historical importance, interview local business owners and residents, and give insider tips on the best places to visit. 

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RJ: Thank you for sharing your wonderful Post It Series, what made you create them?

JR: The series came about for several reasons. For starters, working on a travel show while on lockdown is a bit challenging- so drawing is an escape akin to travel. I also wanted to document this period of time with humor and insight. Lastly, as an extrovert, being home is quite difficult so having a creative outlet alleviates some anxiety. 

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RJ: What do you think of tough life/world situations and how they lead to creativity?

JR: Unexpected situations force new perspectives for anyone. Artists use this to find ways to express their personal emotions and on behalf of others. Just as civil leaders rise up and take charge when necessary, creatives are doing the same in their own way. Perhaps it is a form of documentation or simply a release. 

RJ: What will you do with the Post It pics? Will you do more?

JR: My goal is to make a drawing each day I am home, though I began after 2 weeks of isolation. Once complete, I will compile the pieces as one collective work and go from there!

Keep up with Justin and his work on Instagram @justintrusso and keep your eyes out for his new show coming to Here TV later this year.

We caught up again with Justin early in May and here is his next set of new COVID Doodles he has created:

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Richard Jones

Richard is the Co-Founder of Gray Jones Media, the parent company of Bear World Magazine, and was the magazine's creator and editor for its first three and half years. He is busy developing the business in many other directions, but loves coming back to contribute when he can.
