HaircareLife & Style

5 Ways to Take Care of Your Beard and Skin for Winter

Here are some tips to keep your winter beard and skin healthy!

Cut out Hot water.                                                                                  
Winter Beard

While I know most of us enjoy a hot shower in the morning and evening, try a warm one followed by a moisturizing lotion. Hot water showers dry and crack the surface off the skin, if you fail to follow up with some form of moisturizer of some sort.

Increase moisture.

Hair and skin dryness is hard to avoid during the colder months. To combat this issue, drinking more water, about a glass or two more a day, is a good start from the inside the body. Using a humidifier is great way to keep moisture in the air while the heat is on in the house.

Use a cream-like conditioner.                                                                                 

By adding a cream-like conditioner, or CoWash, to your beard care routine can help battle dry brittle facial hair. Alternate the CoWash and beard wash to save, and deep condition your beard to add more moisture.

Moisturize more often.

Moisturizing is paramount to a healthy beard care routine. I believe that applying product twice a day is good for your facial hair and skin. When you finish applying to your hair, instead of using a towel, use the rest to moisturize your arms and legs.

Cover it up.
Winter Beard

While being in the frigid temperatures with frost on your beard may look awesome on television (and in the feature image for this article), it is not really good for beard care. Be sure to wear a scarf or bandana over your beard to protect it from becoming brittle and prone to breakage.   

These tips should keep your winter beard and skin in great standing all season!

As always, stay bold, stay bearded, and stay YOU!

This article was written by Shane Michael.

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