Bear of The WeekBears

W | Bear of the Week: Andrew

W | Bear Profile: PUPMEATBALL

Home: Delaware

Age: 26

About me: 

I’m an ER nurse in Newark, Delaware, and I’ve been a nurse for two years. I graduated from LSU School of Nursing in New Orleans, LA and a native Louisianan. I love hiking, cooking, dogs, and big burly men. 

The COVID-19 crisis has been tough on everyone. I see policy changes every single day. I luckily haven’t seen an overwhelmed ER yet, like my classmates in New Orleans. But I’m waiting for the eventual influx of patients. I don’t want to be labeled as a hero in wartime America. I became a nurse to help people, not to die for a broken healthcare system. We are tired, overworked, under protected but all we need is for healthy people to stay home. FaceTime your grandparents and friends, Facebook Live a cooking show in your kitchen, learn to paint, learn how to play piano, learn how to knit– just stay away from each other and stay away from the hospital. 

About W | Bear:

I love W | Bear because it’s so interactive and nowhere near pretentious than Instagram. It connects bears from all across the globe and puts them in the palm of your hand. It’s so much more intuitive than other gay social media, and provides the perfect niche for men who like larger, hairier, burlier men.

Bear of the Week is sponsored by W | Bear

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One thought on “W | Bear of the Week: Andrew

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