Monday, January 27, 2025
Bear PartiesEvents

Reykjavík Bear is back in September 2022!

The party is on again in Reykjavik! Back in September, Reykjavík Bear held its first annual Bear festival in 2021 after having to cancel the event in 2020. Now, the party will be back this year, from September 1 – 4, 2022.

Full Event Passes and Party Passes are now on sale. Enjoy three parties, a trip to the world famous Blue Lagoon, a day trip to the scenic Golden Circle, a farewell brunch, and plenty of friendly bear hugs!

Mingle with the bears at the Opening Party on September 1, where you will get to grab a drink and meet bears from around the world to get your party group going! While you’re there, grab your goodie bag, your event pass and give some friendly bear hugs to the local bears organizing the event!

Experience several of the many impressive things Icelandic nature has to offer with the full-day Golden Circle Tour on September 2, then have a cocktail or two during the evening with the Top-off! Party, where we start getting a little more frisky! Everyone is welcome (but not required) to remove their tops during the party and enjoy dancing to the sounds of Reykjavik’s very own DJ Mighty bear who will make sure the music vibes are right for the evening!

After a night of partying it’s always a good idea to soak up and relax with the Blue Lagoon Tour on September 3, then enjoy the Reykjavik Bear Club Night at Húrra!, a fantastic bar and music venue in the heart of downtown Reykjavík! DJ Kris witha K will  be joining from London to make sure you dance the night away!

After the club night is over, get a belly full of some nice food at the Farewell Brunch on September 4. Meet and chat with more local bears and start making plans to come to RVKBear next year!

About Reykjavik Bear 

Reykjavik Bear is run by the cubs of Bears on Ice and is a natural continuation of the festival, which ran for 15 years. Their goal is to make a beartastic event to unite all bears and bear enthusiasts of the world to celebrate our community. Get your tickets today and join us the Reykjavik Bears in the world’s northernmost capital!

COVID-19 Information 

Currently, there are no restrictions in place in Iceland due to Covid-19. This includes local restrictions as well as at the border. Any traveller is welcome to Iceland regardless of vaccination other COVID-related issues.

Please note that this can change if any changes come up. For the most secure information about COVID-19 and restrictions in Iceland, see the government run website

For more information about Reykjavik Bear, including tickets, visit
Follow Reykjavik Bear on Facebook and Instagram!

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