Friday, January 17, 2025

L.A.’s Precinct, home of MEGAWOOF America, launches GoFundMe to ‘stay alive’

Precinct, the largest gay bar in downtown Los Angeles and the home of MEGAWOOF America, has launched a GoFundMe campaign to avoid closure, says The Advocate

The bar announced Wednesday that they were starting the campaign in order to “stay alive” in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic that has closed all bars in the city since March of last year for public safety, which also includes Akbar and the city’s Leather and Fetish bar Eagle L.A

The establishment was opened in 2015 by married couple Thr Stephens and Brian McIntire. Since it’s opening, the bar has served as a popular queer spot amidst the revitalization of Downtown Los Angeles. 

The GoFundMe statement reads: “For almost a year now, the doors have been closed and locked due to the COVID-19 pandemic. While we shelter in place, the rent is due; fees and bills pile up; all while so many of our bar staff family have been out of work and struggling. The crisis will reach the point of no return unless we can get help from the very community we serve and love.”

Along with being a popular hang out spot, the venue was also the site of weekly drag shows hosted by Dragula’s Boulet Brothers. The finale of EastSiders, the long-running LGBTQ+ series about queer people and allies living in the Silver Lake area, was also filmed at Precinct. 

EastSiders creator and star Kit Williamson took to Facebook to express the importance of queer spaces like Precinct. “Queer performance spaces are so important, and Precinct is especially near and dear to my heart,” he wrote. 

“Not just because it was the best place to watch a subversive, weird drag show in LA, but also because the fourth season of EastSiders literally wouldn’t exist without their generosity. They were so supportive of our little queer show that could and now it’s time for all of us to support them.”

As of Monday, Precinct has raised $42,850 of it’s $250,000 goal. 

To donate and help save Precinct, visit

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