Friday, January 17, 2025
Bear of The WeekInsta-Hottie

Instabear of the Week: Dante

Instagram: @osantobear

InstaBear Location: San Francisco, CA

Pronouns: He/Him/His

Relationship status: Married/partnered and sexually non-monogamous

Favorite Drink: Michelada

Favorite Type of Guy: Guys that are hairy everywhere! But not picky!

Favorite Cities/Vacation Spots: I love cities and beaches

Favorite Hobby or Pastime: Singing

What’s Your Idea of a Good Date? Something simple and relaxing

There are so many hot Bears to look at on Instagram! Because of this, Bear World Magazine has decided to highlight some of our favorite Bears every week.

We celebrate Bears of all races, ethnicities, sizes, types, ages, genders and abilities. If YOU would like to be the next InstaBear of the Week, make sure to follow us on Instagram @bearworldmag, and fill out the APPLICATION FORM HERE.

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