Saturday, January 18, 2025
BearsGogo BearsInterviews

Gogo Bear Spotlight: Hao Kumakichi

We catch up with our old friend Hao Kumakichi for our latest gogo bear spotlight. Last time we spoke to him he had just come off his win as Mr. Bear Asia in 2019 (read the interview HERE) and was just getting established in the Asian bear scene. Four years later, and he is one of the most highly sought after gogo bears in the region and is a highly successful plus sized male model. Check out our conversation with him below.

Hao Kumakichi

BWM: Where do you gogo dance and what city do you live?

Hao Kumakichi (HK): I Gogo at most major Asian parties except in Korea.  I was living in Tokyo, Japan and a few other places abroad before COVID. Now I am currently back to Singapore.

BWM: When did you start gogo dancing? Why?

HK:  I started many years ago, about 8 I think? I debuted in Tokyo for Bear Week at Bear Train. It all started from being a bear model and one day the owner of the brand ask me if I would like to open Bear Week for him as a gogo and that started my career!

BWM: What is your dancing style?

HK: I am not sure how to describe it but I can definitely move. I used to dance backup for artists on MTV and at concerts .. before my bear modelling days, at least. haha.

BWM: Do you have a stage persona?

HK: I don’t think so. I have always been comfortable on stage. The adrenaline gets me going.

BWM: Can you tell us about the bear community in your hometown?

HK: Sadly, I don’t think there is any bear community in Singapore, or maybe living abroad has changed my perception of what bears should be like?

BWM: Do you identify with the bear community? When did you find it?

HK: I was never too sure about identifying as a bear, but I guess winning the Mr. Bear Asia title in 2019 helped a lot HAHA. I have always liked big guys. In the beginning of my modeling career, I was slim which didn’t help me get in with the guys I liked. Eventually I decided to bulk up and leave that part of the industry behind me. I got plus sized modeling offers pretty quickly once I rejoined the scene. Plus, with my gogo work, I think I’ve definitely found the bear community! And I love it!

BWM: Any upcoming appearances that you want to plug?

HK: This New Year’s Eve I will be appearing in Bangkok at the Bangkok Twilight party organized by Kuma City Camp Bear Bangkok. There will be a major pool party next February in the Philippines put on by F Club as well, so be sure to follow me on social media for details!

BWM: We definitely will! Thanks Hao!

Make sure to follow Hao Kumakichi on Facebook,  Instagram, Twitter and TikTok.

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