Saturday, January 18, 2025

‘Elska Toronto’ celebrates one of Canada’s most diverse and multicultural cities

This time, the spotlight is on the beautiful men of Toronto, Canada!

Last month, we reported that Elska Magazine had chosen to shine their light on São Paulo, Brazil in their latest issue. This time around, the publication, which is dedicated to revealing the bodies and voices of LGBTQ men around the world, has decided to feature the men of Toronto, according to The Advocate!

Toronto is widely know as one of the most diverse and multicultural cities in the world. This diversity is what makes it the perfect option for a feature in a magazine like Elska that’s committed to showcasing diversity.

The models in Elska Toronto were all captured in their homes and on the streets of their beautiful city. Some of the cities most iconic sights, such as the famous CN tower and skyline, provide the backdrop for the photos. Each of these models has a story to tell; gender identity, acceptance, and even walking naked in Toronto are all topics discussed by the models, centering stories as unique and diverse as Toronto itself.

“I originally shot our Toronto issue in late 2016, and all copies soon went out of print, but earlier this year we asked our readers to choose one past edition to bring back, and Toronto was the winner,” says Elska editor and chief photographer Liam Campbell. 

“I was really excited to see Toronto win, in part because we’d been trying repeatedly to make a second issue in Canada, but the pandemic and the consequential travel restrictions kept forcing us to cancel. I was also excited to see Toronto come back because I don’t feel that the issue got enough attention the first time. When we first released it I thought of it like an exemplar Elska, with the perfect blend of bold photography, thoughtful storytelling, and diversity. But perhaps people didn’t find the idea of Canada exciting enough, and sales were low. But the fact that Toronto won our vote suggests that interest has at last arrived and that maybe people are ready to give Toronto the attention it deserves as a great and compelling city.”

Elska Toronto includes stories from over 12 guys over 180 pages and will be made available in a classic print ‘bookazine’ or in a downloadable e- version. Also available is a companion e-zine called Elska Ekstra Toronto which contains over 350 pages of bonus content. This includes outtakes, behind the scenes tales, and an additional five guys who there weren’t enough pages for in the main mag.

Elska Toronto is available at select stores around the world and online at

For more information, including subscriptions and purchasing, visit

Follow Elska Magazine on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

All photos courtesy of Elska Magazine. 

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