Friday, January 17, 2025

Bears in Excess to host Best Beard Contest at Spa Excess

As bears come out of HiBearNation, so too does Bears in Excess!

And this time they will be hosting a Best Beard Contest at Spa Excess! Yes, if you have ever been complimented on how scruffy, shiny or silky your beard is, then you need to go down to Spa Excess on Sunday, May 22nd.

The First Prize winner will get several products from Hank Skincare ($160 value), the Second Prize will get three Hank Skincare products (value $96), and the Third Prize winner will get a product valued at $46! So, if you have a nice beard, then you need to make sure you enter the contest to win some great prizes… and even some bragging rights!

So, if you’re going to be in Toronto, then you know what to do! Go down to Spa Excess on Sunday, May 22 from 1:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Alongside their usual complement of sandwiches, we’re sure you’ll find a few things to snack on (wink wink). 

So, come down to Spa Excess on Sunday, May 22, between 1 and 6 p.m. to reconnect with old friends and meet some new ones. To make it even more special, we will be having a Best Beard Contest. The First Prize winner will get several products from Hank Skincare ($160 value), the Second Prize will get three Hank Skincare products (value $96), and the Third Prize winner will get a product valued at $46. So if you have ever been complimented on your beard, be sure to enter the contest to win some great prizes … and even some bragging rights!

50% Locker coupons will be available after 11:00 a.m. DM Bears in Excess on Instagram @bearsinexcess for more information!
Also follow Bears in Excess on Facebook and Twitter!

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