W | Bear of the Week: Joe
Home: Boston, USA
About Me:
I am Joe, I was born and raised in NYC and the surrounding Boston Area. I recently moved back from living in San Francisco California for almost 8 years. I work as an IT hardware repair engineer. And I am a huge fan of the arts, auto and all tech.
About W | Bear:
I like W | Bear because it goes back to the basics. The layout is similar, however better than Instagram. I have tried other adult apps and have found that they are too invasive when it comes to subscribers’ information and lacking in privacy by using advertisements.
Bear of the Week is sponsored by W | Bear
You can find W | Bear on Google Play or the App Store
If YOU want to be featured here as a future W | Bear of the Week, send your W | Bear profile name and four good photos to victor@gnetlabs.com
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